Saturday, January 10, 2015

No Snow Here!

I love winter in Hawaii. As someone who grew up in Michigan, I certainly do not miss all that cold and all that snow. Sure, when the holidays start up, it does not exactly have the same feel here on the island as it does back home. I mean, you do normally at least think of cold weather, if not snow, when you start thinking about Christmas and New Years. But I tell you, being able to go out in your shorts and flip flops on Christmas Day here is just about the best thing in the world.

And when I get online and see them talking about extreme cold temperatures in the U.S. this winter, I just cannot help but smile. Cause it is definitely not cold here and the temperatures are not extreme. 

I used to think that I would be too bored to stay here in Hawaii, but you really get used to the way of life out here. If you have a car, you cannot drive it fast cause the speed limit is so low. So, there is not a lot of stress and road rage like back home. It is just an overall more relaxed pace of life. And I love that.

I also love the lack of snow! Not that I wouldn't  have a blast having a snowball fight back home, but I think I'd rather be sipping a cold one here on the beach instead!

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